Friday, December 4, 2009

everything has it's purpose

so last night.. or morning...i'm not sure. i sat contemplating my future and i came to the conclusion. Whenever i don;t want to do something i use the excuse "How is this going to help me in my future. Why should i waste my brain power doing this" but i've come to the realization that no matter what you are doing.. no matter how big or how small, it shapes the future that you will one day be living take each step seriously no matter how insignificant it seems.. from the snacks you eat and the time you go to bed to what music you listen to and who you put your trust in and who can put their trust in you

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

You Know You're A poor university student When...

You have a bazillion pairs of shoes... but still looking for that rent
Your laptop is the most expensive thing you own...even more than you're car
If you loose you're cell're practically dead
You have a library book that you use all the time... and you've renwed it more that 4 times
You're bed sucks
Real vegetables and fruits get you excited

You have a bazillion pairs of shoes... but still looking for that rent
When you call you're parents ... they assume you want money
When you go home for the weekend... your luggage includes laundry from the last time you visited home for the weekend
you write your student number more than you're phone number... sometimes
you hate winter more than the average person
you know someone who lives on every street around  your university

Your home page is your universtiy home page